Textured Walls

Has anyone had much experience with textured walls? We have some sheetrock work that we are hiring someone to do and they recommended texturing the walls & ceilings. Any advice on whether or not this is a good idea?



  • commercialking7th June, 2004

    Are you going to keep the house or sell it?

  • cjmazur7th June, 2004

    Personally I pref. smooth wall, but these show wear and tear much sooner.

  • heathermarie7th June, 2004

    Our plan is to sell it. This is only our 2nd rehab to do so we kinda new at it. Our first house that we did had to have a LOT of sheetrock work and the same contractors textured the walls. They look good, but I didn't know how they would look 10 years from now. If we are unable to sell it within 4-6 months, we will have to rent it out.


  • InActive_Account8th June, 2004

    To texture or not to texture is purely a study of the market you are in. If texture is common then texture away, if it isn't then don't do it, simple as that.

  • afarmboy11th June, 2004

    If there is stuff to hide on the finish work, texture it. I spent quite a few years in that trade that I'm trying to purge from my memory, but it has come in very handy doing rehabs. Paying to spray texture will be much cheaper than paying for smoothwall. Texture will hide lots of imperfections and is fairly easy to touch up. If you are just turning this place around or possibly going to rent, definately texture. If its a million dollar home, Smoothwall plaster might be more in order. Wish you well.

  • heathermarie11th June, 2004

    Thanks for the advice! We plan on having the walls textured because there are some places that are rough. The house should sell in the $80,000-$90,000 range so I think that textured walls will be acceptable.


  • lorien11th June, 2004

    I personally love a textured wall. My own home has a stucco look, the rehab we just finished was more of a pebbled plaster look. I'd not recommend a big texture though, i've seen people use something like a tile grout spreader and YUCK!
    Part of the reason i like them so much is because they don't show wear and tear so much (with children a plus) and don't require as much final sanding. Also, i think it adds personality to a home to not look so "sterile"

    Good luck in whatever you choose!
    becki smile

  • Stockpro9915th June, 2004

    I think that with all the styles of texture that there is something there for everyone. IT is cheaper than smoothwall, we charge 40-75% more for smooth vs textured. Often a new owner will want us to come back and texture it smile

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