Terminology Question - Listing Price?

I asked a realtor from a website, if the prices listed were the actual purchase prices and he stated No, they were the listing prices. What is the difference between a listing price and the actual purchase price? I am guessing the listing price is negotiable and you may be able to purchase the property below that price.


  • CBuford12th May, 2005

    Thanks a lot. That is what I wanted to hear.

  • joel12th May, 2005

    Moved To Beginners Forum.

  • edmeyer12th May, 2005


    I have a friend who takes replaced mobiles and resells them. He and I have been thinking about doing this for quite a while since there is plenty of available units. Our thoughts were to use the income to help pay the mortgage on an appreciating property.

    The problem that we have had has been zoning issues. We have had difficulty finding nearby us where we could do this. I think your idea is a good one if you can do it on your property.[ Edited by edmeyer on Date 05/12/2005 ]

  • jeff1200212th May, 2005

    Let your tenant know that the situation is unacceptable, and that he is in violation of the terms of his lease. Notify him that he has ___ number of days to have the situation corrected or you will begin the eviction process. Do this in writing. If however you are not prepared to follow through, resign yourself to the situation and live with it.

  • InActive_Account12th May, 2005

    I agree with Jeff12002

  • mojojojo_112th May, 2005

    might you be foriegn? the writing sounds funny.

  • vlynn00712th May, 2005

    mojojojo_1 What does him being or not foreign have to do with his question. Please keep negative or otherwise unhelpful responses/opinions to yourself.

    inventin - definitely continue all further communication via mail or even better have a lawyer send them a formal letter and explain you will not stand for it. If it has been a few weeks and they have not done anything it means they do not take you seriously. You have to put your foot down and start looking into bringing charges against them in small claims court for example for repairs to your lawn. That is sure to get their attention quick and in a hurry. I would try to evict the couple first, but w/ your tenant being out of work he might not be able to afford the rent on his own. Now since the couple does not even have a lease you might just be able to get them on trespassing. I would check with the court for requirements though since I take it they have been there for a few months at least. You could possibly find new tenants to share the house w/ your current good if he is ok with it. Just a thought.

    Carpe Diem,


    [ Edited by vlynn007 on Date 05/12/2005 ][ Edited by vlynn007 on Date 05/12/2005 ]

  • commercialking12th May, 2005

    Well I am going to assume from your address that the property is in Illinois. In Illinois the correct answer to this question is to serve them with a 30 day notice. Since the tenancy is month to month you have a choice, you can serve 30 day notice that you are terminating the lease or you can serve 30 day notice that they must correct the violations under the lease (get rid of the pets maintain the property in clean and sanitary condition).

    If you opt to terminate the lease then in 30 days you can file a forceable entry and detainer actions (eviction) and will probably have possession in 30 to 60 days thereafter depending on how long it takes the sherrif in your county to come and evict them.

    If you opt to serve them with notice to correct the violations then at the end of the 30 days you can still proceed with the eviction. The difference is that if they correct the problems you must let them stay-- under the scenerio above you can evict them even if they correct the problems.

  • inventin12th May, 2005

    Could someone tell me or send me a form in order to tell them to fix the problems or I will evict

  • mojojojo_112th May, 2005

    after rereading my post, i realize it was very blunt. i must admit i don;t have the best grammar nor often go back and read my post before submiting. but due to the wording, it seems more that the poster is foriegn and it interests me to know what nationality they are if this is true.
    Also sorry for possibly taking away from the post.
    And since i am a freloader i cannot read my private messages, perhapes try e-mailing me at the same name via @hotmail.com

  • ryand13th May, 2005

    sounds like a good text book plan. Refinancing does not always make sense for a little equity because dont forget it cost $ to refi. Why not just buy, fix, sell, profit? Or you could start off your investing career doing assignments like i did and gain a decent networth. this way you will have the cash you need to buy as many houses as you want with rehab money.[ Edited by ryand on Date 05/13/2005 ]

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