Terminology Has A Link Perhaps?

With all of us who are not pros and not used to all of the RE jargon, there ought to be a link on the main TCI map that has a tab to the terminology page. I found it once before, but after searching today I finally gave up. It would be more of a useful tab than Partners, polls...etc.
Thanx for all the useful info so far, and all that I will get in the future!
Later-->Lupisandhisrock cool grin


  • lorien4th December, 2003

    Ah, Lupis, i was just looking for that myself yesterday and thinking the same thing...then i remembered where it is and how easy it is to find. Go to "My TCI" and click on "my tools" and there, i think, you'll find what you seek!
    Happy reading!

  • fauche654th December, 2003

    If you are speaking of acronyms, go to www.acronymfinder.com

  • rajwarrior6th December, 2003

    There is a link to terms and such, and unfortunately, it isn't well documented.

    Go to your "myTCI" link and then to "myTools" link. There you will find what you are looking for.


  • Lufos7th December, 2003

    I understand your problem and it is a problem in almost any industry. Each has its little buzz words and they are being changed all the time. It drives me nuts on occasion and I have been doing this real estate stuff for over 40 years. Of course when I first began a knowledge of Latin and Greek were a requirement. but now alas it is little things.
    Con-- Confidential Sec--- Secret

    TSec--- Top Secret. BBR---Burn before Reading. SOP Standard Operating Procedure. See it happens in other places.

    In real estate each little subsection of it has their Buzzy words. Appraisers use. PIQ, Property in Qustion
    True Market Value, Market Value, Estimated Market Value. Opinion of market Value and the beat goes on.

    Trust Deed a device used where they do not have mortgages. Trustor Borrower, Trustee, he who holds title during life of obligation (Mortgage) Beneficiary he who lent the money and is owed it.

    ION interest only note
    DOS due on sale. Pay off your mortgage if you sell property

    Etc. etc. enough to make you foam at the mouth.

    Just check your TCI under tools

    I hope this has been of some help


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