Tenant Screaning

What do you look at when sceaning a prospective tenant?

Past Rent History

Verify job and income - What income vs. rent do you require?

Credit Check - is this worthwhile info. So what if they pay there credit cards late as long they are paying for there most important need (shelter) on time every month. If it's important info for you - what score do you require

What else????

Pets - other then banning them completly - what restrictions do you put on pets?

The house I'll be renting is a 3/2/2 SFH in a middle class neighborhood.

Thanks for all of the help as I learn about REI!


  • bgrossnickle27th September, 2004

    Decent credit history, income 3x the rent, past rental history. I make each adult fill out an application, give me a xerox of their driveers license, and give me $20 non-refundable application fee. I also collect a holding deposit for the unit that is non-refundable unless I reject the application. I run a credit check, eviction check, criminal history check, call income verificatino, and become a professional detection on their rental history.


  • JeanMarie27th September, 2004

    How exactly do you go about doing a credit check and a background check? Do you have an account with a credit bureau? How does that work? I want to screen my tenants as well, but was unsue of how to do that.
    Thanks! JeanMarie

  • InActive_Account30th September, 2004

    Once a prospective tenant has filled out an application, I do the following:

    1. Make sure their income level can support the rental expense
    2. Run a verification of income
    3. Run a credit and criminal history check
    4. Call the previous landlords for references

    I charge a fee non-refundable fee to do the credit and criminal checks


  • mattfish1130th September, 2004

    I prefer section 8 tenants. My last section 8 tenant I put into one of my apartments is actually paying nothing towards rent. The city is paying $800 per month for this tenant to live there... I did no credit check, the background check was done by section 8 office (i just looked it over), no income verification, etc!

    Now, in my opinion, that's the way to do it... I got lucky...


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