Tenant Removes For Sale Sign

Hi. I have a couple of tenants in California that have been on a month to month for six months now. They are almost always a fews days late on rent. In July I put the house up for sale and the realtor placed a for sale sign on the property. The tenents told me that they are having problems with people knocking on the door wanting to see the house. I told them to tell these people to call the realtor and schedule an appointment. They started pulling the sign out of the ground. Do they have the right to do this? I told them they didn't and they told me to show there where it legally states that they didn't have the right to remove the sign. Any help would be apprecciated.


  • commercialking30th August, 2004

    So did you read your lease? Most leases give the landlord the right to put up signage within some period of the end of the lease-- usually 60 or 90 days.

  • Stockpro9930th August, 2004

    How about a cease and desist order? shouldn't be too much from your local attorney. IF they are dead beats they won't fight it.

  • hibby7630th August, 2004

    Let them know that you're going to file a complaint with the police for vandalism. It is your property. You have the right to put a sign up. Have THEM show you in their lease where it gives them the right to take down a sign.

  • alexlev30th August, 2004

    Give them 30 days notice to get out. When they ask why, remind them that you own this property and have a right to change or sell it as you see fit. And if they want to get in the way of that, they can move on. Even if your lease states that you can put up signage, they will likely cause other problems when it comes to showing the property or making it presentable. These people clearly don't have a positive relationship with you, and they're obviously too shortsighted and stupid to understand that it's in their interest to have this property sold to a good landlord. They see themselves as clearly loosing in this situation, and they've decided that they're going to live the way the want to live and won't make this easy for anyone.

  • rmdane200030th August, 2004

    If they are month to month, you should be able to change the terms of their tenancy with as little as 30 days notice...new terms of tenancy include "I can put up signs"....should be pretty simple.

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