Tenant Not Caught Up On Rent. What Do You Do?

Here is the scenario.
Tenant is late last month. You have already been charged court costs for judgement.

Tenant pays now pays for this month, and last month. But no money for court costs. Do you:

A. Consider current months rent paid for, and roll over the previous court costs onto the bill.

B. Consider current months rent late, previous court cost have not been paid.


  • edmeyer5th April, 2005

    My leases have wording that any payment goes toward other obligations before being applied to the rent. This puts more pressure on the tenant to pay outstanding bills and late fees. Also, here we cannot evict for non-payment of late fees, but we can for non-payment of rent.

    Ed[ Edited by edmeyer on Date 04/05/2005 ]

  • joel7th April, 2005

    Clean up everything in there first. you can use a black light to find out where the dog peed before.

    After that, use an ozone machine or an Aranizer machine (you can find it in our shopping area here:


    This will eliminate the smell.

  • LarryNut7th April, 2005

    And after that.........Can you say CFD?

  • tothjj7th April, 2005

    Joel, have you personnally used of of these units?

    LarryNut, What will a Contract for Deed do for me?

  • bgrossnickle7th April, 2005

    I would try some enzyme remover directly on the cement. then maybe prime and paint the walls, cement floor, and ceiling.

  • LarryNut7th April, 2005


    You may want to read my posts again. No where did I say anything about Lease Options.

    Larry[ Edited by LarryNut on Date 04/07/2005 ]

  • tothjj7th April, 2005

    Joel, I am ordering the unit right now. I am sure it will come in handy from time to time in the future also.

    Larry, thanks for the link, I now see the difference.

    I am off to clean the basement one more time (hopefully).


  • InActive_Account8th April, 2005

    Brenda has great points. I would add that you go back several landlords if possible. Old landlords of bad tenanst will say anything to get them out. I have also seen mothers, friends, aunt - you name it put down as references or previous landlords.

  • rmarysan8th April, 2005

    I ask for a rental application, credit check and references. I have had some applicants come forward and confess their credit issues or background issues. This does not stop me from doing my diligence, but it helps on determining the character of the prospects. Situations and people change. But do not judge by gut feeling as stated here in the forum. Best wishes.

  • kleinpm8th April, 2005

    When they moved in the window and door were fine. Now they are broken. It seems pretty clear to me. They pay. If the rude relative broke it then they should try to get reimbursed through him. If they refuse to pay, send them packing and let them know that you will try to get a judgement against them and put it on their credit report.

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