Tenant Eviction

I have just purchased a 4-unit residential apartment building in phoenix AZ . I have a tenant with a 2 month deliquency in monthly rent payments. can i evict him immediately, or do i have to serve him with a notice and wait for a certain amount of time before the eviction? [ Edited by dranaim on Date 10/06/2004 ]


  • ceinvests6th October, 2004

    Read his lease.
    Read your local landlord/tenant laws.
    Most likely, you have to file the County papers to start the eviction process through the courts. == Call the County Landlord/Tenant Court.
    You might even have to send him a late notice first if that has not been done.
    Go online the County of the property, it might direct you.

  • reinatalie6th October, 2004

    Each state has different eviction laws, but if the tenant hasn't paid rent for 2 month, I bet you wouldn't need to look at the lease, you have the right to start eviction process. I would look up eviction laws for Arizona.

  • alexlev7th October, 2004

    Previous two posts give good advice. The only thing I would add, is do not wait any longer and don't accept any sort of argument along the lines of, "But that was with the previous owner. Now I'll pay." Had someone say that to me once. I had a really hard time trying to stop myself from laughing right in front of him.

  • ray_higdon7th October, 2004

    At least in Florida it goes like this:

    Serve 3 day notice to each person on the lease (you can do this)

    Have a processor or sheriff serve 5 day eviciton notice

    File writ of possession and contact Sheriff for removal of tenant

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