Technology Question:

what phone do you use?

I am looking for a telephone with multiple mailboxes so i can receive calls from potential t/buyers.

It would need to allow me to record multiple messages, if i have more than one home under contract that i would like to leave details about.

I have been on google all day but cant find a digital phone/answering machine with more than two mailboxes.

any one know the model number of a good phone system??



  • JohnLocke11th April, 2004


    I use Model # ME

    You should use Model # YOU

    The best darn answering system in the world. Or you can get a machine to tell you how many folks hang up or go on to the next ad.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • InActive_Account11th April, 2004

    John,I agree we need to answer the phone instead of depending on an unreliable machine with no personality. When I am not in the office I forward my calls to my cell phone. Out of close to 20 calls a day that I average I only have 1 hangup. When I was using a voice mail system I would only have 2-3 people a day leave a message.

  • verbatim11th April, 2004

    wont you get a LARGE number of calls from wannabe tenant buyers for homes you are trying to lease who cant qualify ?

    how do you weed them out?

    Or is that something you two do when talking to them?

  • jam20011th April, 2004

    You WISH and HOPE you get a large number of people calling, even if they don't qualify. Even if they don't qualify for what you got now, they may work for something else.

  • Lufos11th April, 2004

    Weed them out? Oh no never, there is no weeding out there is merely adjustments to compensate for those dear souls who are how shall I put it, financialy challenged?

    There is always something for everybody. I have had calls from persons so down and out you could hear the fire burning in the pit they were in. Some so declined that there was no housing available but we handled it. True I had to change the name on the small house from Rover to Smith. His legs extended out side until we could get enough money together from his pittance to make an extension so that all of him could stay indoors at the same time.

    But that is what you do. Negotiate, work it out, make it happen. You are the catalyst of housing. Work on it. Besides it is amusing and you get a good feeling when you suceed. Oh yes and an even better feeling when a little of the gelt sticks to your fingers.

    Cheers Lucius 8-) 8-) [ Edited by Lufos on Date 04/11/2004 ]

  • Bruce22nd April, 2004


    To answer the question about the Voice Mail, there are tons of phone software for your computer. Hook up an old computer to your business phone.

    All most all of them allow you to create multiple mailboxes. When I started using this I wanted to give the impression that my company was a BIG company, so I created 30 or 40 different mailboxes and had my friends record short messages "Hi, this is Bob. I am not in...". I finally decided this was not the best way and now have a general box, an existing tenant and a new rental box. The system also automatically receives faxes.

    I think the software is around $40.

  • antkojm122nd April, 2004

    If this is really what you want to do, I like to let other companies handle things for me, so I don't have to deal with potential problems myself...

    Check out efax (www efax com) for receiving and sending faxes, and iconnecthere for virtual phone systems (www iconnecthere com), but you will need to buy some type of voice-over-ip device, I personally use cisco IP phones...

  • ooitm26th April, 2004

    Try They offer 5 mailboxes for $9.95 and web listening for $10 per month. I just subscribed to them as I needed a system to track various marketing channels. There is also a way to forward important calls to your cell phone or home phone too.

  • LarryTX27th April, 2004

    Try VOIP


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