tear downs?

I have a prop ready to subdivide. I need to tear down an existing house. How much does that usually cost?


  • Optimum17th February, 2003

    Unsure on the price of that, I would think there may different factors involved including where you are located.
    Look in your local yellow pages under "Demolition" or Demolition Contractors". Call one of those guys and I would guess they could give you the info your looking for.

    Good Luck & Happy Investing!


  • BAGLEYJ17th February, 2003

    I have never personally done this, but you may try contacting your local fire department. I have heard that you can "donate" the structure for training purposes, and possibly recieve even a tax write off for such donation. They may require you to do some "prep" work, such as remove glass from the windows so it doesnt blow out. The big question that comes to my mind is you still have clean up, but after the fire, there would be less of it, however it would be rather messy. How much would they charge you for that versus unburnt structure demolition. Good Luck

  • BAGLEYJ17th February, 2003

    Another possiblity is to move the house. If the house is of some value as a structure, just in the way of your development, there are people out there that will pay you a nominal price for the structure and have it moved to their property.

  • RepoMan17th February, 2003

    The price to demo will vary with the size of the house. I just demo'd a prop in jersey which had a basement. Property size: 25x100, house: 19 x 65 1 level. Cost to demo, clean, and backfill basement was $7500.00.
    Hope that gives you an idea.


  • dataattack23rd February, 2003

    Watch your permits, If you dont get them right , it will cost you. I hate paying the man but the U.S. is the best place to live in the world, hands down. pay the man.Cost my brother an extra $2500.00

  • tomcanavan7th August, 2003

    if the building is in sound condition you could have it torn down for free. we are always looking for threatened architecture. We also have clients that want them. All we need is a few pictures, the square footage and an agreement that you will take $1 for complete salvage rights. Tom

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