TCI v3.0 Sneak Peak

We are excited to announce news regarding TCI v3.0. As we are busy developing version 3.0 in the next upcoming months, we wanted to let the members of TCI what to expect. Here are a list of a few features we have in store.

  1. Group Support - we have been wanting to do group support for sometime. With this, you will be able to join up with other members within your own locality. Within this, members will be able to network locally much more faster than ever before.
  2. Web Page Support - Yup, you guys wanted it. We are delivering. With this, you will be able to have your own custom website right through TCI's powerful database powering it. You will be able to edit your website through a MyTCI interface and show your properties much more effectively to prospect tenants, and or buyers, as well as to be submitted into our database.
  3. Property Management Support?? - This is a maybe. If we have enough members who want this, we could put this in. This would really be great to even manage all of your tenants from over the Internet.
  4. Other Tools and Calculators - These tools will be built from scratch specifically for the individual real estate investor.

If you have any feature requests for the upcoming features, please submit them now.


  • appelgw11th September, 2003

    How can we ever thank you enough? All the Guru's together couldn't provide the information, motivation, and quick response that this forum brings.

    The Group Support is a fantastic idea - kudos to the originator and the development team.

    WebPageSupport - what will the costing structure be? We all would love TCI to be free forever, but we all know that there must be some profit center to maintain existance.

    Property Management Support - I'm interested! Once I get my first 8+ I'm definitely going to be needing this service.

    Tools and Calc - Pls Pls Pls bring us this feature. There are so many "formulas" for determining a deal that need to be readily accessed and manipulated. I would also be interested in scripts and check-sheets for doing the different types of REI deals.

    Again, thank you for making me a millionare (in advance). Everyone at this site has contributed to my dream!

    Greg Appelt

    Jacksonville, FL

    • joel11th September, 2003 Reply

      Thanks Greg for the encouraging statement. We are running on all Open Source items which does lower our costs significantly. But yes we are looking for more way to generate revenue to expand the business and hire on more technical staff.

      We will be offering Customized Web Sites at either $19.99 or $29.99 per month. The data for all of these websites will be chosen by you. The colors and layout will also be chosen by you, and you will be able to choose some different themes for your site.

      I am very interested in putting in my 'Joel's Quick Cash from Loan Payoffs Calculator'. It is a simple caclulation that I have come up with that will analyse multiple debts and decide which debt needs to go first according to your goals.

  • Dural23rd September, 2003

    Group support is an excellent idea. I would certainly be willing to pay a few bucks to communicate with local investors. Or will it even be a pay service?

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