TCI Properties

Would it be possible to add the city and state to the properties that pop up in the Properties by TCI Box.....(that little box on the upper left hand side)?


  • myfrogger30th March, 2004

    I 2nd that motion

  • myfrogger31st March, 2004


  • j_owley31st March, 2004

    would be a time saver wink

  • nebulousd31st March, 2004

    The city and state is given in the Featured Property, but not given in the Properties by TCI Box?

  • Stockpro9931st March, 2004

    I would like to see a ranking available in reference to FMV vs. price. It would save time sorting through them and put the "cream" at the top smile

  • nebulousd31st March, 2004

    I agree, because there definitely is a lot of crop.

  • joel31st March, 2004

    The Properties by TCI is supposed to be customized to your location when you use it. We just have it pulling properties from all over the place as an ad for what it can do on your website.

  • nebulousd31st March, 2004

    It still wouldn't be worth it to add the city and state since you are doing it that way? And since it's pulling from everywhere on this site, why not make it more useful and add the city and state?

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