TCI Now Charging?

Are you going to be charging new members? I recently referred a friend. She was telling me she got an email that says her "ALL-STAR -Access" trial was almost up.What gives?


  • gtrzndrums31st January, 2004

    Hasn't happened to me, but I do see value here. I don't know? I'm sure they have some expenses to take care of.

  • WheelerDealer31st January, 2004

    yes after 30 days you loose access to parts of the site. namly the forums and the PM feature

    You have been since August and you didnt have to pay??

    Anyway this is a great site and unfortunately everyone has a certain "cost of doing business" Heck you couldnt be on this site if you didnt have the electric to run the machine you paid for with the money you made from driving to work in the car that needed gas from the store that gets their supplys from a wholesaler that unboxes products off trains that come from all over the United states with trade agreements with other contries who need to feed their poor!

    See how far $49.95 can go?
    B.G. & Wheeler D. LLc Inc. and Trust
    (A division of: Half Vast Enterprises)

    "Most american millionairs today (about 80%) are first generation rich"

    [ Edited by WheelerDealer on Date 01/31/2004 ][ Edited by WheelerDealer on Date 01/31/2004 ]

  • omega131st January, 2004

    Hmm, if this world would offer everything free to us and at heavy cost to others what we got to give, would this be wonderful?

    I guess dreaming is important but get real Alexis, this is good old planeth earth where people got to eat

  • pejames31st January, 2004

    The money I spend for this site is the best money I have spent on information in the last 5 years of research in the CREI field. This site has real people on it and they will not sit here and tell you everything is ok, when it's not!!! This will turn into the best teacher you will ever know!! It is for me, and I am sure, many others. I know some people have a fear of spending more money on anything, but this is one place you wont get that feeling.
    Good Luck

  • cpifer31st January, 2004

    My question is, and I have been wondering; Can you (I) buy into "All-Star" status?

    I just thought you had to make a gazillion posts on TCI to earn your rank. I don't understand how some people have the time BUT during my subscribership here, about 9 months now, I really feel like I have earned my rank and to be quite honest, my real estate business just hit its first anniversary and I don't think we would be in business IF NOT for the TCI site. (What a brown-noser, huh)

    I'm sure I'll be upgrading soon as my TCI Group is growing steadily enough for us to have had our first "official" meeting.

    This is the best money I never spent.


  • InActive_Account31st January, 2004

    "Anyway this is a great site and unfortunately everyone has a certain "cost of doing business" Heck you couldnt be on this site if you didnt have the electric to run the machine you paid for with the money you made from driving to work in the car that needed gas from the store that gets their supplys from a wholesaler that unboxes products off trains that come from all over the United states with trade agreements with other contries who need to feed their poor! "

    " Hmm, if this world would offer everything free to us and at heavy cost to others what we got to give, would this be wonderful?

    I guess dreaming is important but get real Alexis, this is good old planeth earth where people got to eat "

    No disrespect to any of you. I wasn't complaining, just asking a question. I kinda felt like you guys jumped on the defensive before you knew why I was asking. I understand why they would start charging, but I wasn't sure if that WAS the case.

    [ Edited by Alexis on Date 01/31/2004 ]

  • Glenn-LI3rd February, 2004

    When you first subscribe you get 30 days of ALL-STAR access for free. Then they move you down to the FREE access level, which doesn't have all the features. But you may not even have known it if you just read and post messages.

    This site has a lot of great features which you should check out to help with your business. See the links at the top. The ALL-STAR access is only $49.95 for a whole year! And if you register for it before your 30 days expire, you get it for half price. I am still in my free period but I read the intro email they sent me and with what I experienced so far, I plan to subscribe to the ALL-STAR or maybe one step higher, with the SuperStar access, so I can get a free web site for my Rehab business I am planning to start soon.

    Good luck to all...

  • joel3rd February, 2004

    I hope you guys can subscribe. We started charging only new members Nov 1st. 2003 so if you joined after that, then you would have been charged.

    We have had to charge as our members were joining at a 15% rate each month and sales were not following that curve.

    We are trying to keep the memberships as low as possible so anybody can join. But at the same time, by charging, our members are a little bit more serious about their Real Estate Investing than other websites that don't charge and that is the crowd we want to serve.

    Personally, my wife and I are investors, so we are trying to build tools in that will help us in addition to other investors.

  • GoingFor7Figures3rd February, 2004

    I can't blame them for charging because
    there is alot of money that could be made. What I mean is they have started something that I believe is really great and only a idiot wouldn't want to get rich while helping others do the same in the process.
    This site is well worth the money!!!!!!
    I can't wait for the TCI convention!!!
    Good luck to all!!!!

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