Title Search

What is the best way you have found to do title searches for tlc's? Is it better to pay a title company, are there resources to learn how to search, or is it as simple as going to the courthouse and looking at property records? If I do it myself what kind of time and expense should I expect? Thanks in advance for the help!


  • RonaldStarr12th July, 2004


    I recommend that you not do title searches if you are just buying liens for the interest rate or penalty investment return.

    If the lien is not redeemed before the second year's taxes are due, then do your research. IF you find that the property is not good, don't pay the second year's taxes. Let it go.

    Instead of doing title research, just check that the property is a good one from assessor's roll, maps, topographic maps in the library, and driving by the property.

    Good Investing*********Ron Starr************

  • Larrygs31st July, 2004


    (See my comments on the other listed topic about "Pros" "Title Search".)

    Searching a title is not easy, largely because the county recorder's office is a whole different world and difficult to navigate. You must know WHAT to look for and WHERE to find it. The county collector will not want to spend the time to educate you and show you around. If you must have a search, hire a title insurance office to do it. Around here in rural Missouri, a search would cost $75 to $100.


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