Tax Lien/Deed Question
I'm new to buying tax stuff, so naturally i'm looking for a good beginners program or source of information that's reliable and affordable.
I'm new to buying tax stuff, so naturally i'm looking for a good beginners program or source of information that's reliable and affordable.
I have heard that John Becks program has the most information for the least amount of money. I am sure there are better programs offered for the skilled investor, but for a beginner, other than what is alkready offered on this site, his is the most informative. If you want the ins and outs of the business, click on shop at the top of this page, there are a couple here that will give you more of a "how to" than what John Beck will. But John Beck has the phone numbers that you will want to get started.
Good Luck,
Try looking at the John Beck posting. Interesting reading, I have no personal knowledge of John Beck or his program