Tax Sales & Aptartment Units For Cash Flow

Can anyone recommend reading for getting started in tax sale investing? I also don't have long left to consummate a 1031 exchange on the recent sale of some investment property, and I am looking for a multiple unit dwelling for rental income in a landlord friendly state, any suggestions? surprised


  • RonaldStarr15th January, 2004


    Don't try CA, it sure is not landlord friendly.

    I hope you are looking extremely hard. It is difficult to do 1031 exchanges. If you are not working 12 plus hours a day trying to find a replacement, I'd suggest you immediately start doing so.

    And forget about the tax sales investing stuff until you are finished with your your new purchase. Your chances of getting a property at tax sale for the exchange is close to zero.

    Good Investing*******Ron Starr***********

  • colinmarkes15th April, 2004

    Thanks for the replies and suggestions, I have been doing the 1031 exchanges for some years now and have purchased two lots below market value.
    In the mean time I have invested a sum of money in equities until I can gather needed information regarding tax sales and applicable states regarding the same. Any recommended reading?

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