Tax Sale Property In Pa

In Pa we have three types of tax sales. First stage is upset sale, second is judicial sale---bid on properties and own free and clear--Tax claim deed, Third and last is the repository sale --these properties have fallen through the first two sales and are sold at flat rates---------$600 each.....granted they are not in the best of condition-but what the heck--for $600--clean them up-alot of trash, then put say $10k into them and you have a nice section -8 rental property.

Does this sound like a good deal? Has anyone done this before on forum-if so what should I be concerned about--or should I just forget it. Oh yeah --they are not in the best of hoods.

Thanks for any in-put Dave


  • shinkman26th February, 2005

    Rehabber-----will you try a reply at this post ? Sounds like you have some info on pa tax sales!


  • kimesha28th February, 2005

    hi shinkman,
    i am in phila. i have never heard of the 600$ doller deal but it sounds interesting . can you tell me where you got this info from so i can research it. Thanks in advance!

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