I suggest you put "new york" and "ny" into the search function for the archives of this website. You will read earlier posts on the topic.
Read the state statutes on the collection of delinquent property tax liens. Also study the websites of county and citiy treasurer's offices for their rules and sales.
There is at least one auction house that does tax sales for upstate cities. Do a google to find such.
I believe Nassau Count sells tax liens. Their web site is http://www.co.nassau.ny.us/treasurer/html/taxlien.html
I haven't been to their sale yet, rite now I'm concentrating on NJ.
Happy and Prosperous Investing,
Joanne Musa
New York City has it set up so they are the only bidders for tax sale liens. Then they resell the properties later to the public.
Site for Confirmed NYC Tax Auctions:
I suggest you put "new york" and "ny" into the search function for the archives of this website. You will read earlier posts on the topic.
Read the state statutes on the collection of delinquent property tax liens. Also study the websites of county and citiy treasurer's offices for their rules and sales.
There is at least one auction house that does tax sales for upstate cities. Do a google to find such.
Good Investing************Ron Starr*************
Thank u all for your great replys.
Wish u all the best.