Tax Lien Certificates Network Materials Any Good?

Has anyone tried these and what did you think? I have since found the difference between the tax lien certificate and the tax deed. LOL


  • richen1st December, 2003

    I have been a professional investor in tax liens for some time now, and own many of the stuff offered out there on the subject for sale. In my opinion, the best material written on the subject that is complete, honest and up-to-date is on Good luck!


  • GlennI2nd December, 2003

    A few Suggestions:

    Know the procedures, talk to the county treasures office and find a good real-estate lawyer who practices in that county before you get too involved. This area can be exciting and profitable, but it does have some pitfalls where you can loose money.

    An analogy I've used before is like driving a car, the first few times are somewhat dangerous and a book can help you know the "rules of the road", but only practice and experience can make you "safe" and it helps to have a teacher if you can find one.


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