Tax Lein In NJ
There is a property about a block away from my current home. Ive had my eye on this on for a while its be abbondand for about 8yrs. Yesterday I saw a public notice for a Tax Sale for this property and another one by the same owner. Do you pros thinks this is a good one to try tobuy at the tax sale. Or should i just approach the owner and make an offer.
thanks for the insite. Im really new at this what is adverse possession.
I think im just gonna be brave and write a letter and throw are ridicously low number at him and see where that goes.
Where abouts in NJ?!? I am from Northern NJ and know some people who would be able to help...
central NJ how can you help?
Instead of writing, try to talk to the owner in person or on the phone.
Good Investing***********Ron Starr*************