Tax Escrow Terminated

I took out a 125% LTV on the a property I decided not to live in but rent out. The mortgage company has terminated the escrow account. Should I refi to keep from paying the future taxes? or what other options are there for me? wink


  • JohnMerchant16th November, 2003

    If you never lived in the property then I'd suggest you refi now, as the lender might sure look at your deal as fraudulent from the get-go.

    Just because THEY no longer use an escrow/collection service is no reason YOU couldn't establish one & have them make your mtg payments for you...or go ahead and deed the RE into your own trust as is legal, and then the trust co. could hire an escrow co. to make its payments.

    The trustee would then notifiy the lender that he/she (not you preferably) will be making all future payments via the escrow company, and to send any/all correspondence, tax statements, etc., to trustee at its escrow co.'s address.

    You'd want the tax statements to go to the trustee's address, and not just to YOUR res. address, which is a certain tipoff that YOU'RE not living in the financed SFR.

    Then nobody could see from that, alone, that you're not living in the house.

  • rfordr16th November, 2003

    Thank you! I'll get started on the right away.

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