Check the title very carefully and examine the cloud or lien, figure out if it has a value and is legit. Then you make a calculation as to your exposure and if plus you lease. Disclose the item to the person who you lease too. You might try and remove it. If it is a mech lien, you might wait out the time period and see if he files an action. If not it can be removed and a title company will write a policy.
Check the title very carefully and examine the cloud or lien, figure out if it has a value and is legit. Then you make a calculation as to your exposure and if plus you lease. Disclose the item to the person who you lease too. You might try and remove it. If it is a mech lien, you might wait out the time period and see if he files an action. If not it can be removed and a title company will write a policy.
Ihope this answers your question
Cheers Lucius