Targeting Preforclosures (PFL's)

Hello everyone, this is the first time I've posted a ?, so you can tell I'm new. I normally sit and read at the forum, but I got the guts today to ask a stupid question.
I keep reading on how it is better to "target" letters to people in PFL, rather than just send out flyers and mailings to random people. How do you find these PFL's? I think that some of it is just 'luck'(you see a run down house, etc.), but is there any way to access information on who is actually in distress?
Thanks for your time.
Sam oh oh


  • fox_102810th October, 2003

    It depends on your state and county on where to find foreclosres. Although I was able to find court cases on the internet for my state/county, this may not be an option for you. Check the legal section of the local paper for forclosure sales and 'Notice to Creditors'. Also, most courthouse records are public access. Try going to the courthouse and asking questions.

  • BAMZ14th October, 2003

    Hi samedwin,

    Go down to your Circuit Clerks office at the court house and tell them that you would like the 10 most recent NOD's or foreclosure folders, and then work your way back to previous folders.

    Some Circuit Clerks have these folders filed in order from the most recent to the least, and some have these folders mixed in with thousands of civil cases. If they are mixed in with the civil cases, you will be able to sort through the files on the computer there, and write down recent Chancery file numbers. You would then take these Chancery numbers to the desk and ask for those specific folder (or case numbers). Take a trip down there and you may be surprised at how easy it is! Best of Success!


  • smiths1814th October, 2003

    I dont know how your state works but where I'm from (California) I spoke to a manager at a title company and I told him if he gave me the N.O.D list I would bring all my business with him . So now every to weeks I pick up the list at his office . So try your local title company and see what you can work out with them . Best of luck

  • dlynn14th October, 2003

    I get the lists from a title company and send them a hand written letter asking if they are interested in selling. Have them call you if they are interested.
    Don't just think of run down homes in foreclosure....I am working on one that has a value of 325,000 and was just completely renovated within the last year. It's just as easy to find nice homes, as it is to find junkers that are in foreclosure.
    Good Luck

  • DerrickAli15th October, 2003

    Dlynn: Is K-REKT!!!

    I wrote an Article here on TCI titled:

    "How to Get A LUXURY HOME Every MONTH for FREE?"

    Go to the ARTICLES and Enter Derrick Ali into the SEARCH field!

    I hope this helps!

    Derrick Ali

  • samedwin15th October, 2003

    Thank you everyone for your replies!! This is great. I love this site, everyone here is so helpful!

  • Cheri56221st October, 2003

    I was wondering if you're in the Southern California area? If so, can you recommend a real estate attorney. I'm new to investing, and I'm in the process of preparing my "team" for my first purchase . . . whenever that might be! <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif"> [ Edited by Cheri562 on Date 10/21/2003 ]

  • cky21st October, 2003

    In Oregon, NOD's are filed with the recorders office.. You have a few probs here. 1) NOD isn't filed until the payments are considerably behind by many months and thus you will have to pay all back payments.
    2) COMPETITION sux.. IF you use NOD's get them DAILY from the courthouse IN THE MORNING, then research each property with assessment and mortgage info, if interested in property GET YOUR BOOTY out to the home that evening and BUY IT before your competition does.


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