Tardus Methodology Vs. Mortgage Cycling?

The Tardus Methodology and Mortgage Cylcing appear to be very similar from the information available on their webpage. I have read the mortgage cycling book, but have not inquired further into the Tardus Methodology other than viewing their webpage.

Does anyone have experience with the Tardus Methodology and if so, how does it differ from Mortgage Cycling? Or is Mortgage Cycling a copy of the Tardus Method?


  • alohanorm23rd November, 2004

    I'd be happy to share with you all about Tardus. I was the first Agency in Southern California and know it better than anyone.


  • kfran123423rd November, 2004

    What's the deal with mortgage cycling? Is it worth buying the book?

  • MichaelDoherty29th November, 2004

    Well, I would appreciate you sharing with me. How would you like to do that?

  • hibby7629th November, 2004

    There's a similar post here:


    The way that I understand it to work is as follows:

    1. You recieve you paycheck and 100% of it goes towards your mortgage.
    2. You live off of a credit card for 30 days (which incurrs no interest)
    3. At the end of 30 days you use your HELOC from your home to pay off your credit card.

    What this does is makes it so that for 30 days your principal amount is less, therefore accrues less interest, therefore you pay down additional principal. This of course has a cumulative effect and will have a greater effect the last 1/3 of the loan.

    Additionally you can use your home as a savings account of sorts, so that instead of keeping $10,000 in a bank account, you keep it in the equity of your home and it works against your principal.

  • joeyd1st December, 2004

    I've used www.myfico.com a few times already seems good to me -all 3 fico scores and credit reports +a fico simulator under $40

  • stevenwe1st December, 2004

    and it gives me updates on a daily basis , if new items appear on my reports will it tell me right away?.......are there any places who offer a free trial

  • getgoing1st December, 2004


    It sounds like your looking for a credit keeper program. The $40 one is a one time reports and scores but there is also a monitoring service I believe you can find them with a 30 day trial.

    Good luck...

  • roberth1st December, 2004

    Keep in mind that the credit reports that individuals pull will be different that what the banks and mortgages companies pull. There always is a difference and don't count on your score when you go shopping for a loan, you may be suprised.

    Good luck,
    Robert grin

  • John_Carter1st December, 2004

    There is also a new site just up. It's only available for the western states at the moment, the rest of the country is being phased in. It's a gov backed site similar to the no call list (the anti telemarketer one).

    Anyhow, you can check with the big 3, for free, but only once a year. The fico wasn't included but was offered as a add on for $6 I think. I tried it yesterday (for free - no subscriptions or trials at all, seriously)

    The site is www.annualcreditreport.com (only good for western states) Enjoy.

  • John_Carter1st December, 2004

    Sorry I forgot to add that the link won't work from a referring website. You have to put it into your browser yourself.

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