Take advantage of this great time of the year

This is truly a great time of the year for you. Its a time to reach out and renew old relationships. Its time to reach out and make new relationships. You do not need an excuse of business need its the holidays. Reach out and wish everyone a happy holiday season. I know for sure you will be hearing from me so be prepared. This is also a great time for those that are in Real Estate, sales, or have there own business. When most individuals are slowing down for the season and taking it easy. I will be working my but off.

You ask why? I’ll tell you. As most of you know I’m in the business of buying and selling properties. As most home seller do not want me to list or do much. Their homes are decorated with holiday cheer. They will have family and friends or. So they do not want me nor others tromping through home. What I’ll be doing is filling my calendar for January 2013. My goal is to have January book full before the end of December 2012.

This goes for my Realtor business as well as my Real Estate Investment business. Like all of you I want to make sure 2013 is better than 2012.

Here is another great thing about this time of year. There are many business that are ending there fiscal year at the end of December. You may so what. I say great time to make deals and get great discounts. Example, I’m working with a local bank that needs to unload excess inventory by the end of the year. Here I come to there rescue and buy their properties at a great discount. This same rule applies to all of you that are in sales or looking for a great deal. Take a look at your network and see what you can do to find a great deal by the end of the year. Not only will you get a deal but you will be helping the other business reach there goals.

One last thing. What ever it is that you do. Make sure to take the time to look back at 2012. Did you reach all of you goals? Did you take that vacation? Did you spend more time with your family? I spend a lot of time writing down all the things I accomplished over the past year. And look at what I want to accomplish for the next year. If you fail to plan you plan to fail.

Make sure you take time to plan out 2013, make a road map and follow it. Reach out, renew and make new relationships. Set yourself up for not only a great 2013 but a great life. I wish each one of you a great holiday season and a great life.



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