SUV Tax Break

Does anyone know if the small business tax break on equipment over 6000lbs still exists? I seem to remember reading that it was lowered back to its previous limit of $25000. but I'm not sure.


  • compwhiz19th May, 2004

    Yep, up to $100k this year. I'm seriously thinking of doing it myself....

  • sKauGhTiEe19th May, 2004

    Whats the limitations on it? How do you qualify for section 179? How much money do you have to be pulling in to qualify for such a huge break?

  • InActive_Account19th May, 2004

    This is a very complex issue, but a few quick facts:

    1. The depreciation rules only apply to vehicles over 6000 lbs, not equipment. This is important because a skid loader, for instance, may be under 6000 lbs, but still qualify for Section 179 depreciation.

    2. Section 179 depreciation is limited to taxable income, meaning you can not take section 179 depreciation if you have a taxable loss, or if you have taxable income, 179 would be limited to that taxable income, reducing it to not less than 0.

    3. Section 179 depreciation is limited to entities that have less than $400,000 in qualifying additions for the year, and is phased out dollar for dollar for additions above $400,000. So, at $500,000 of additions your 179 is 0.

    4. Many states do not follow federal guidelines for 179 depreciation. In Iowa, for example, you are still limited to $25,000 for state tax purposes.

    There are many other guidelines and restrictions, so I would talk to your CPA if you are going to pursue a purchase simply for tax purposes.

  • sKauGhTiEe4th June, 2004

    Some how got lost on 3 and 4. Anyone else want to clarify. .... . oH what the heck, throw in an example of somebody as well... Anyone... Thats the only way I can catch on... lol

  • rekharex4th June, 2004

    Section 179 deductions are a way that small businesses are allowed to expense, in the current year, business assets that are usually depreciated over many years.

    Neglecting half-year conventions and other details, suppose you purchase a business machine with a depreciable life of five years for $10,000. This means, according to straight-line depreciation, that you'd "write off" or "expense" $2,000 of the asset per year for five years. That is how a business owner would recover the cost of the capital asset. Businesses generally aren't allowed to "write off" the cost of a long-lived asset in the year of purchase.

    The passage of the "Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003" in May of 2003 increased the Section 179 deduction to a whopping $100,000 on qualified assets. (Previously, the deduction was $25,000.)

    The definition of Section 179 qualified property has also been expanded to include off-the-shelf software, although Section 179 still doesn't apply to custom-written software. (It was a pain to amortize the cost of silly software programs and keep depreciation schedules for them! Now, off-the-shelf software can also be Section 179'd. For example, publishers who purchased programs, such as PageMaker, PhotoShop, Quark, etc., in 2003 will be able to expense them immediately.)

    For those new to business depreciation (and IRS Form 4562), IRS Publication 946 discusses depreciation and Section 179.

    For more about the 2003 tax act, see the IRS website:,,id=110431,00.html

    Much media coverage of the expanded Section 179 deduction is the result of another curious tax loophole which allow vehicles over 6,000 pounds to be treated differently from "regular" passenger vehicles. In particular, before the advent of huge SUV's, weight was considered a sufficient criterion to separate passenger cars from light-duty industrial trucks and work vehicles used by farmers and other businesses.

    However, the trend toward bigger vehicles means that many people drive passenger vehicles rated over 6,000 pounds. (We won't get into the complexities of how vehicles are weighed. It's not as simple as you might guess.) And, Section 179 applies fully to these SUVs ("passenger" vehicles are subject to their own rules).

    For more about the full deductibility of SUVs in the current year under Section 179 and vehicle deductibility in general, read: (best place to start) (titled "A Hummer Of A Tax Break"wink

    I provide these links for informational purposes only. points out that all SUV's turn out to be fully deductible in the first year, with the exception of the Hummer H1 (an expensive little bugger at $110,000. Only $106,000 is deductible under Section 179 and other allowances).

    The Hummer H2 at $50,590 (all 8,600 pounds of it!) is fully deductible, as are all other SUV's. The link lists other SUVs and trucks that qualify.

    While some people are excited by this tax loophole, others aren't, because they argue that it encourages people who own businesses, but who don't need or use heavier vehicles in their business, to purchase them to deduct them. The first link estimates that if 100,000 people utilize this loophole, that it will cost the government about $1.5 billion in tax revenue.

    As mentioned in my book, "How To Start And Run Your Own Corporation," Section 179 deductions typically flow through for S-corporations and other pass-through entities as a separate line item. This prevents shareholders in several S-corporations from deducting in excess of the maximum allowed under Section 179.

    For example, if you own 100% of your own business and take the full $100,000 Section 179 deduction for assets it purchased, you aren't allowed to deduct another $100,000 for assets expensed via Section 179 by another S-corporation in which you’re an investor. You can't exceed the $100,000 maximum. Period.

    Hope this helps.

  • cjmazur4th June, 2004


    new proposed legislation

    The heavy SUV loophole allows you to take a Section 179 deduction of up to $102,000 for a business vehicle purchased that is over 6K GVW.

    The proposed change would allow you to take only 25K of deduction for the vehicle.

  • sKauGhTiEe4th June, 2004

    hey thanks rekharex. Good information...
    cjmazur, "proposed"? You always hear proposed dont ya... anyways, everyone grab there 6,000 pound vehicle before the hole is plugged...

  • joel4th June, 2004

    Just wanted to add in that you don't have to purchase a NEW vehicle for this.

    I have been told that you can also purchase a used vehicle and it would qualify.

    So don't go out and purchase something new if you can find it used. Vehicles still depreciate whether it is a tax deduction or not.

  • compwhiz4th June, 2004

    That is correct. Both new and used SUVs qualify for Sec. 179 deduction.

  • pspiers4th June, 2004

    Last year my accountant told me that I could buy a $30k truck and it would only actually cost me $18K. I needed a new truck so I bought one.

    Thanks Uncle Sam, I pay enough taxes and can always use a break.

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