Super Skeptical Wife Needs Assurance

I have had many money making endeavors ie, Kirby sweeper salesman, Rainbow salesman,Amway Distributor via Network Marketing. Also we have been sold a few things that weren'tas we would have ecpected. So skeptical is my wife on all that we or I decide to do. I have however convinced her that REI can make money and she has watched me work at it to educate myself alot on it. I was able to Buy CS program and John Locke's Bird Dig book. I have been approached by an investor in need of a Bird Dog and it seems as though I may be on my way to a good start. Can any one offer som reassurance to my wife as she still says there "has to be a catch" to someone paying me to find them properties.. surprised


  • jrtechy7th July, 2003


    Yes there is a catch! She needs to understand that you are providing an investor a valued service. The investor makes money on the deal while you make a little money as well, with the added advantage that you get to learn in the process.

    Good luck and happy fetching!

  • 7th July, 2003

    I had the same problem. My fiance was interested in real estate, but she was and in some ways, still si thinking in conventional ways. (ie. need 20% down, get bank mortgage, don't use credit, etc.)

    I found hat by showing her how much real estate values have gone up in our area that there are hords of money to be made through investing.

    In addition, she is now also reading some of the books and programs I have purchased to familiarize herself with the terms,

    She seems much more amenable to inveting now than she was a couple of months ago.

    Just realize it takes time.

    Hope that helps.

  • JohnLocke7th July, 2003


    Just start off Bird Dogging, then when you have turned over some deals to investors, tell her if you had done the deals she would have her new Mercedes by now. Then you can watch the change in attitude.

    Seriously, just start with what you are comfortable with, the way you are starting is, No Liability, No Fear and No Money (well maybe a little) and you can make Big Bucks doing it. She should not have a problem with this method.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • hibby767th July, 2003

    Real Estate Investing is not eazy....BUT is an easy way to make money.

    How could you make $100,000 a year in 3 years? Start a business (8 of 10 fail), stock speculation, become a professional, sell high priced items, etc. Of all of the ways out there to make money, Real estate has risks and variables that you can control.

    Everyone needs a place to live...not everyone needs amway products. When people aren't spending money on other things they're still spending money on housing.

    That said....It isn't easy. You still have to learn, read, educate yourself, make a fool of yourself, and get out there and do it.

    Go to the county recorders office (or find their website) and look at what random properties were worth 10 years ago compared to what they're worth today. Most properties are probably worth 50 - 100% more. What if you were to have bought one of them 10 years ago, gotten $200 per month and then sold it today? What if you would have bought 20 of them 10 years ago????

    It's not hard to see the value. Show her the numbers. Figure out a properties monthly expenses (mortgage payment, utilities, repairs, etc) vs the rent (rent should be higher) and the difference is your cash flow. Add in the tax shelter and the appreciation and it's not hard to figure it out.

    You might also remind her that few people get rich off of one house or one duplex. One is enough to give you a bit of money and a bunch of headaches. It's a good place to start, but don't stop there.

  • Sassykid10087th July, 2003

    Thanks to all for your replies as I knew I could count on you. I have shown some of this as wellas exerpts from John's E-Book to her and she is just "going to see" what happens. I still have to explainthat with the little $ involved with geting started ie newspaper adds for buyers on homes I have entered into P/A for, addvertisements and little things like this it will be well worth it in the end or should I say the beginning..

  • NewbieWife25th October, 2003

    Well, I am a skeptical wife. My husband has had a lot of success in the business world. This allowed me to stay home with our two young (3 and 6) boys. Well, he got a new boss and didn't see eye to eye with someone who didn't have as much experience as he has. My husband had always played around with the idea of REI. He has done a lot of reading (Sheets, Kiyosaki, Cash, etc.) but never did anything with it. He did manage to flip two properties two months after quitting his job. This was enough to pay the essentials but not everything. I have stopped checking caller ID because I don't want to talk to another creditor looking for a payment. I panicked and he purchased a laundromat. Mind you, with no money down and 100% owner financing. That's when the bird dogging stopped. He basically bought himself a job. After owning it for four months we can now afford to hire someone to attend the laundromat so he will be able to go back to concentrating on bird dogging again. However, my worries are starting again as well. The boys need this and that. The creditors are calling. I know my husband can do this. He is great at talking to people and is very smart. I know there is money in them thar hills. But I hate feeling poor and having to balance our checkbook every day. If I go back to work then who will take care of our 3 year old during the day? I can't see my husband carting him with him all day long. We only have one car as we sold the other one to pay some bills. What to do? Suggestions?

    OK, question 1: How long does it take to get a monthly cash flow you can depend on?
    question 2: How did other wives cope while you were busy building your business(es)?
    question 3: Is there a forum for scared wives?

    Thank you for all your help. This a great website.

  • DaveREI25th October, 2003

    When you get your first check....that should be all the assurance she will need.....

  • BethE25th October, 2003

    Dear "Scared Wives",
    I am the wife, stay-home-mom of 4, and inactive Certified Public Accountant. My husband is the one who doesn't want to know what I do in real estate. One year ago he withdrew what was left of his 401K and gave it to me with the words," I don't wnat to see them or want to know the details...just let me know when I can quit and be a maintenance man!"
    He couldn't be happier...he's a little more comfortable this year and we're well on our way...
    Go for it! Work the numbers...they don't lie. No emotion! You can't fall in love with a property or you'll lose your perspective. Be supportive ... Good luck!

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