Suggestions For Kitchen / Family Room Floors

Hi All,

I am looking for ideas on a kitchen floor that ajoins with a family room in a house we are re-habbing.

I thought about ceramic for the kitchen floor , and laminated flooring for the family room, but have heard negatives about ceramic , if u drop something everytning breaks, and also they might be slippery.

I really would like to hear some suggestions


  • rbjj27th May, 2006

    Anyone with some good suggestions ?

  • rbjj27th May, 2006

    Thanks Zoegirl for your reply.

    This home has nice hardwood floors in the liv, din, and bedrooms, so I was thinking about laminate for the family room, and mabe ceramic tile or vinyl for the kitchen.

    Would like to hear more suggestions also.

    Thanks !

  • ypochris27th May, 2006

    We have ceramic tile in our kitchen and informal dining area, and although it is tougher than you would think it is possible to break tiles. Also, you have to choose between smooth tiles, which are slippery, and matt tiles, which are hard (almost impossible) to keep clean.

    Looks great, though...


  • rbjj28th May, 2006

    Thanks to all for your replies.


    I agree with u about installing hardwood floors in a kitchen, but what do u think about laminate flooring, do u think it would substain the same kind of damage if there was a water overflow ?, I also agree ceramic tile is the going thing for kitchen floors, and it does look really nice in the kitchen.

    So how does it sound to put the ceramic in the kitchen, and laminate in the family room, because ceramic is cold to the feet in the winter.

  • rbjj30th May, 2006

    Thanks Rehabinator & Monkfish for your replies.

    I think I get the point , every type of flooring has a place, and it depends on the person and price of house.

    This property is about 110k , which would not be in the lower end , but not the higher end either. I would not have a problem on what kind of flooring to install, but my end buyer does not want carpet because of all the allergies that her family has.

    I was going to install ceramic in the kitchen , and carpet in the family room, but because of their allergies I was looking for something that would look great in the family room. All the other rooms except the bathroom have nice hardwood floors. I am going to check on the price to install hardwood vs laminate in the family room.

    Will post what I decide on.

    Thanks !

  • rbjj29th June, 2006

    Hi All ,

    Thanks for all your great ideas.

    I decided to put a beautiful Brazilian walnut laminate floor in the family room , and ceramic tile in the kitchen area. The living room , dining room , and hall have hardwood floors that have been cleaned with 2 coats of polyutherene on them, and all floors look pretty nice. I did put carpet in the bedrooms , because they looked warmer with carpet.

    Now on to the finish line. Still have a few more things to do.

    Thanks !

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