Suggestions About Dings On Report

Must say I LOVE THIS SITE. And plan on using a lot of info soon, and there's a county auction on Monday. Guess where I'll be Studying that day. Anyway I have these 3 small Dings on my Credit report from 3 years ago (each under $100, Paid off) I was just wondering , is there a way to go about "removing" these??
Can/should I contest these and hope that the CRA doesn't respond? Can I even contest something that i obviously paid?? Would contacting the CRA do any good as I paid them already? (I didn't even think to have them take it off my record). Though my fico is about 660, and it has come up 40 points in 2 years, I would like to go higher( don't we all). Thanks for any suggestions . Also as much as i like this site. What other sites do you recommend. Already looked at "my fico" and "credit Info cntr"
Thanks so much- feel free to PM if needed.


  • boyd44448th November, 2003

    Cotest them even though they are paid off. I would hold off till December to do it though. People are busier, so they are less likely to respond.

  • flacorps9th November, 2003

    1. First, right now dispute any previous addresses or name variations the CRAs have on you (this is to weaken attribution when you go to step 2).

    2. On or about November 23, dispute your "dings" (tradelines) as "not mine" with each and every CRA by certified mail, return receipt requested. (Nov. 23 is this year's date for "C.H.O.D.", a periodic effort by the public to overwhelm the CRAs). Enclose a separate but more-or-less identical letter disputing each TL. The letter should be as simple as putting the report number in the "RE:" line, cutting and pasting an image of the TL you want gone into the body, and putting "NOT MINE" in big letters (never give out too much info).

    3. If any don't get deleted, dispute again 60 days later, atttacking another element of the TL listing like balance, how late it was, any of the various other dates that appear, etc. Repeat as necessary at 60-day intervals (to avoid tripping their "frivolous dispute" flags).

    Check out, for more details, but that's the basics.

  • flacorps9th November, 2003

    Quote: Can/should I contest these and hope that the CRA doesn't respond? Can I even contest something that i obviously paid?? Would contacting the CRA do any good as I paid them already?Oh, and the CRAs are the "big three" bureaus (TU, EQ, EX) ... I think you were saying CRA when you meant "CA" (collection agency).

  • clear2close9th November, 2003

    If they are already paid off, why not call each one and find out if they will report them paid to the CRA's(credit reporting agency)...?

    hope this helps,

    Assistant Vice President (Senior Loan Officer) / REI Millionaire Wanna Be[ Edited by clear2close on Date 11/09/2003 ]

  • flacorps9th November, 2003

    On 2003-11-09 09:49, clear2close wrote:
    If they are already paid off, why not call each one and find out if they will report them paid to the CRA's(credit reporting agency)...?
    Collections marked "paid" do the same damage as open and unpaid ones, except with FHA where credit quality counts more than scores and they want you to pay off all the old problem accounts.

    The appropriate goal is complete removal ... cleansing ... expunging ...

  • SolutionsKid9th November, 2003

    Done this many times myself. You can get a form letter for removing these items anywhere on the internet and then just keep blasting the agencies away telling them to remove the items for a number of reasons...eventually they will do it.

    If you need any help, I can give you some more advice from personal experience.

    Christian "The Solutions Kid" Beebe

  • cmyke11th November, 2003

    I know its a little late but for the future, ask the collection agency or creditor for a letter promising that they will DELETE their account from your report if you pay it. I talked to the top guy and he was more than willing to do that because he wanted my money. He faxed me the letter, I paid it and then he sent me the same letter he was sending to the bureaus. It is still my duty to check my report which I am in the process of doing. If its still on my report, I'll send copies of the letters to the CRA's and get it deleted.

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