Suggestion For The Experts


If you are an expert at any area of real estate, can you write your literature (if you write) to where it is so detailed that it is actually practical? A lot of books and articles are out there but they ALL are lacking something. A book full of real life senerios would be excellent for filling in the gaps RE books usually have.



  • haxton121st February, 2008

    Here is a location for commercial r.e. substance (cap rates, marketing, valuation)

    I think internet links are the best source because they can be up to date and substantive, unlike so many books and articles - which are soooo general.

    It would be great to have a home for websites of substance.

  • MichaelQuarles21st February, 2008

    What is worse is that a new investor will read and go to 16 different seminars and use 1/16 from each of them and wonder why nothing works...

  • JohnLocke1st April, 2007


    If you are interested in scams, scammers and scamming I would suggest you learn from this site:

    The cases are real and have been prosecuted by the appropriate authorities not by posters on a discussion board.

    When the folks from Pinnacle started on this board awhile ago I pointed out early on it was a Ponzi scheme. Later the Securities and Exchange Commission agreed with me. It is the difference of having been on the boards for sometime, rather than not understanding posters needs and wants.

    This site is the Creative Investor not the Scam Investor site, it is for sharing creative investing techniques with members, not dragging people through the mud with sometimes nothing but innuendo.

    John $Cash$ Locke

    PS: You would be well advised to read the Forum Rules you are suppose to watch, because your post violated the rules. My post was to Joel not to you, however it must have hit a nerve, your problem not mine.


  • ypochris1st April, 2007

    Well, sometimes I get in a mood...

    Thank you John, that was an interesting site.


  • JohnLocke3rd April, 2007


    Seek help immediately.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • JohnLocke3rd April, 2007


    After Three Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty posts and almost 5 years on this site, you are right I am slowing down.

    However, I do miss some of the professionals who use to post here, like RajWarrior, DaveT, Nancy Chadwick, etc. as they post elsewhere now, if you run into them ask them why.

    Of course some would have John Merchant, Lease Option King, Short Sale Pro banned because they sell a product, go figure. I am sure they will glad to know this after all they have contributed to the posters on this site.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • ericamtrustfunding4th April, 2007

    How about a forum for us that have great looking user pics?

    call it the creative and the beautiful?

  • ypochris5th April, 2007

    I really like yours; I was going to comment before but I thought "someone" might think I was just inflating my post count...


  • HelrHiWatr24th August, 2009

    This is a bump. I was just going to post a request for a Private Lending Forum, but not just for those seeking funding, but also for also for those who want to make the loans. There are pitfalls in the money lending business, and the wealth of experience on TCI could be of real benefit to both borrowers and those in the business of lending (especially someone fairly new to it like me).

    I suppose it might also provide an environment for predation and abuse, so it would have to be carefully moderated.


  • joel24th August, 2009

    Been there done that. It got old real quick. It was full of scammers.

  • HelrHiWatr24th August, 2009

    Too bad, but not at all surprising. Thanks for the short answer.


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