Suggested New Forum: How To Find...

"How do you find out who the owner is?" "How/where can I find out info about the property like...?" These questions seem to surface every day in the forums. Why not have a separate forum for "how to find out" questions relating to the property and its owners. Alternatively, set up a FAQ for this subject so at least some of these questions wouldn't have to be asked and answered repeatedly. People could just be directed to either the FAQ or the Find It Forum, or whatever it's name would be.


  • killenjw11th February, 2004

    That could be just another question possed in the begginer forum. I can give you a tip though.
    They aren't that badly priced and they are quick on the draw.


  • NancyChadwick11th February, 2004

    I wasn't really asking that question. I was just stating the question as an example of the type of questions that keep coming up. But thanks.

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