Successful Direct Mail

I’ve been in advertising and marketing for a while. Based on my experience, direct mail isn't effective because most people are not doing it properly.

Direct mail is one of the most powerful methods to advertise because its: targeted and measurable.

Always, consider these basic factors when doing direct mail:

The list - Ff you don't have a reliable list then you can forget about having a successful mailing.

Offer- There should always be in offer. The purpose of direct mail is to generate some type of response. You have to give people a reason to call you. (Think about your target and what you could possibly offer them). Also, you don’t want a delayed response. Therefore, make your offer time sensitive.

Copy/Creative- You have to appeal to people. For people in preforeclosure you should use either a logical or emotional appeal (Save you credit, don't lose your equity). In advertising, we say that people are motivated by four factors: fear, greed, need and exclusivity. Keep this in mind when writing your copy.

Always, have at least one test variable. This could be done by simply dividing up your list and sending out two different postcards/letters. (Track who you sent which postcard/letter to determine which received the most responses).

Also, mail to the same group at least three times.

Lastly, remember that people have to hear your message more than once and in multiple mediums.

Good Luck


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