Strong Sellers Market? What Is Everyone Doing?

Has anyone had to change their strategy to locate motivated sellers in this strong sellers market? What is everyone doing
to locate properties?


  • kensinvest7th May, 2004

    Over everything bandit signs are working best for me. I have also had good luck with making my ads more creative.

  • commercialking7th May, 2004

    I stay away from SFR's. The commercial market is always pretty much numbers driven.

  • JohnLocke7th May, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    Your creative marketing methods will attract sellers in any market, there will always be sellers who need help immediately this is where the creative investor steps in and gets the deal done.

    Up markets or down markets the creative investor learns to adapt, overcome and improvise to get deals or just do it better than anyone else does.

    Single family homes are and will be the backbone of creative real estate investing, why step over dollars to pick up dimes trying to mess with commercial properties.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • summerj7th May, 2004

    Adapt Overcome and improvise:

    words I remember from Marine Corp boot camp.

    If you were an investor just starting out what type of marketing program would you start with to "flush out" some good leads? (I have studied your manuel thoroughly)
    I ask this because I placed two small adds in local community papers and have had no response. There are bandit signs all over the place in my area. The market here in Orlando is going crazy.

    What could I do that others are not?

  • johnbriscoe7th May, 2004

    Is a bandit sign one of those I buy houses signs?

  • summerj7th May, 2004


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