PACTrust And Sub2

Anybody know *anything* about PacTrusts and sub2, ie anybody using this right now or know if it is really beneficial as some claim?


  • webuyproperties25th August, 2003

    You might want to look on this website for the subject to course to purchase. I hear that it is very good...

  • mkucera25th August, 2003

    Yes I am ordering that this week...but I was interested in the NARS land trust service...anybody use it? seems like the perfect vehicle to do 'subject to' deals with. Surely somebody here uses land trusts....?

  • DerrickAli12th October, 2003


    Look up my Articles and enter: Equity holding Trust or PacTrust into the SEARCH for field.

    Happy reading!

    Derrick Ali:-D
    Approved PactTrust(tm) Equity-Holding Trust(tm) service provider

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