Land Trust - MA And NH

Are land trusts recognized in MA and NH? I am thinking about entering the 'subject to' and land trust arena, but don't want to pursue this unless they are recognized in my state and the surrounding states.



  • Scott_D7th July, 2004

    Thanks, Nebulousd. I am concerned about the lender enforcing the DOS clause. I know it's not a likelihood with today's mortgage rates, but I also don't want to be doing anything sneaky or perhaps questionably unprofessional. Am I off-track here?

  • nebulousd7th July, 2004

    you can do subject to without using land trust. John Locke will tell you that he has bought and sold over 500 houses and has never once used a land trust. Don't let the trust hinder your progress.

    Just call a title company and ask them if the state in question honors, recognizes, allows, whatever you want to call it, land trusts. They're probably going to say yes.

  • nebulousd7th July, 2004

    Real Estate Investing period is subjective. To each his own. Do what you feel you have to do to sleep comfortably at night.

    There are way too many debates on this board about the DOS and what is right and wrong. Like I said, it's subjective. Nike, in my opinion, still has the best slogan....

    Just Do It.

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