John Locke's Course Rocks. My Experience With It.

He rocks. John Locke’s instruction realized my dreams. In November of 2003, I took a severance package from corporate management and committed full time to John Locke’s course. Presently, we completed 10 deals in 7 months. Eventually, an assistant, named Wendy went to work for me. She effectively liberates me from administrative tasks to focus on marketing and purchasing. Significantly, we produced a television commercial 4 months ago. Television is powerful. Dozens of phone calls and scores of traffic to our web site come every month. Over the months, John has given me kind, firm, and comical advice at every step. Rapidly, John nursed me to the point of closing deals on my own. If I can, anybody can! While leaning from John, my dream of establishing a real estate business arrived. It is reality.

His training works. Here are the areas where John has assisted me exceedingly. Patiently, John steered me to use his presentation correctly. The results astonish. I have experienced first hand the struggle of forgetting certain portions or presenting it even slightly out of order due to the objections and questions that invariably arise. Additionally, I’ve witnessed the smooth success when implemented properly. Not surprisingly, John is an absolutely brilliant student of the psychology of sellers. Committed, John has taught me the psychology of a segment of the population he calls “cash now people” who are the best buyers of owner financed houses. It is breathtaking. He taught me how to reason with buyers and close the deals. Since the beginning, John’s instruction has knocked the ball WAY out of the park. It disappeared altogether.

Coalescing John’s knowledge with my background produced some amazing results. The television commercial I produced taps deep into seller psychology. Accurately, John says, “If they trust you, they’ll do business with you.” Dedicated, I learned the utility of a website to gain the trust of additional prospects. We invested, built, and rebuilt our site until the TV ad and website together produce a powerful explosion of hot leads and a shocking amount of credibility in the seller. Over the months, we are thrilled to be receiving over 30 hot leads per month. Because of our learning curve, this has generated 1 or 2 deals per month. Forecasting, we expect to jump to 3 deals per month due to doubling our advertising area on TV this month and my experience level. I snapped up another house yesterday. As you see, the integration of ideas from John’s considerable insight and my own experience exploded into stellar results. It really works. Try it. Go!

Mark Walter

[ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 07/22/2004 ][ Edited by ludmark_re on Date 07/22/2004 ]


  • savin4theislands22nd July, 2004


    I just sent you a Private message. let me know if you didn't receive it.



  • Goose_man23rd July, 2004

    Amazing story thank for telling it.

    I too practice what John teaches. I had a slow start but in the past 3 months I have done 3 complete deals and working on finishing a 4th.

    It really works. On the other hand I don’t have nearly the success in getting that many leads per month.. I need to work on that.

    However, My dreams are coming to fruition. It looks like I will be able to quit my day job by the end of August and do real estate full time. Once I have realized this goal I will be able to devote and incredible amount of time to marketing and deal closing. I hope, like you, to advertise on TV. I would think this would cost a lot... but I haven’t really looked into it, it may not be as much as I think!

    Thanks again for your motivating story it certainly helps my cause.

    I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

  • OnTheWater23rd July, 2004


    Excellent! Simply excellent.

    You now do clearly possess the ability to succeed above and beyond the workaday.


    OTW [ Edited by OnTheWater on Date 07/23/2004 ]

  • kenmax23rd July, 2004

    truly inspiring........kenmax

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