Subject to Purchase Course Questions

I found the conference call last evening to be informative of the up coming course on Subject to Purchase. I do have some questions. (1) Can this program be used for individuals who are looking for rental property or just for flipping? (2) My biggest concern is not being able to participate eacH Thursday evening phone conference. Will the calls be recorded and available for downloading to listen to on our own time? (3) A question was asked last night as to what knowledge someone needs to take this course. The reply was if you can spell your name you can take the course, however on the web site you have a prerequisite of basic real estate knowledge and terminology. If you don't have this basic knowledge of real estate and terminology do you recommend not taking this course and is there another course that should be taken first? and (4) What is the final deadline for signing up?



  • JohnLocke17th April, 2003


    Glad to meet you.


    I found the conference call last evening to be informative of the up coming course on Subject to Purchase. I do have some questions.

    (1) Can this program be used for individuals who are looking for rental property or just for flipping?

    A. Joel Webb the owner of this site did his first Subject To deal using my methods. Joel is a buy and hold person, so the property he purchased he is renting out. If you want to rent or flipp the property I will explain how to do it.

    (2) My biggest concern is not being able to participate eacH Thursday evening phone conference. Will the calls be recorded and available for downloading to listen to on our own time?

    A. Yes the phone calls will be recorded and available for listening on your own time.

    (3) A question was asked last night as to what knowledge someone needs to take this course. The reply was if you can spell your name you can take the course, however on the web site you have a prerequisite of basic real estate knowledge and terminology. If you don't have this basic knowledge of real estate and terminology do you recommend not taking this course and is there another course that should be taken first?

    A. I have devoted several pages to all the terminology used in investing, plus the course is built for the beginner or expierenced investor. With the backup I offer personal e-mail, message board on our Subject To site and cell number, if there are any questions you will have the answers.

    This workshop will bring you up to speed from square one and shorten the learning curve to where you will be able to do deals when you finish.

    Everyone must start somewhere I trully believe that with the support I offer there is no phase of Subject To investing you will be lacking in even if you are a new person.

    (4) What is the final deadline for signing up?

    A. To recieve the $500 discount you must sign up by May 25th.


    John $Cash$ Locke

  • RERagsToRiches18th April, 2003

    That should be April 25th for the discount. I am pretty sure anyway since it starts May 1st.

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