Subject 2, Wholesaleing,short Sale, Which To Pick?

Can someone give a newbie a little advice about what circumstances dictates which option to use. In other words , can someone advice me when it makes since to pursue a short sale over a subject 2 ect...

Also in a preforclosure, Lets say i find a distressed owner whose auction is set to take place in 2weeks. I decide to purchase the property. Do i have to close on the property before the auction happens or just simply have started the process? Sorry if this an idiotic question.


  • n_armond9th July, 2004

    Hello. I am a novice myself. I will be starting with wholesaling/flipping contracts/properties. I believe these are the simplest methods to generate profits and continue to be educated about REI within the same token. Yet, it ultimately comes down to your preference upon being "thoroughly" knowledgeable about each of these REI endeavors. As for the preforeclosures, I would recommend that you put the property under contract before the auction is to take place because the deal here is to help the owners of these types of properties before they are foreclosed on. I hope this information was found to be useful.

    Happy Investing!

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