Subject 2 : John Locke Manual?

I am wanting to learn more about buying a home Subject 2. I have heard good things about John Locke's manual, but wanted some others opinions as well.

I also wanted to ask what other sources do you recommend for learning this information?

If John or someone who knows reads this, Why is your training manual not going to be sold separate after Nov? Will there be another training manual that you will put out in it's place?

All reply are appreciated. Thank you!


If anyone knows of a good RE Lawyer and CPA in Missouri, please let me know.




  • InActive_Account4th October, 2004

    I bought Johns course about two months ago and It tells you everything to know about the presentation to give to prospective sellers. Also gives you the nuts and bolts of the transaction. Which not complicated at all. My thoughts after listening to the course is it can't be this easy. It makes alot of sence. I recommend the course any way because John(lv) and $CASH$ explain the process step by step. I think the only reason John is taking away the manual is so he doesn't have to give his cell phone number to as many people. I really don't know?? I'd buy the course.

  • JohnLocke4th October, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    While most course writers are adding product, I look at what I do differently and here is why.

    From day one I have been available either by cell phone or 24/7 email for everyone who purchased my Training Course or Training Manual.

    My existing student numbers have grown to a point where just advising them keeps me very busy and I feel it is time to cut down on the amount of new students. I never intended what I teach to become as large as it has grown.

    Here is what I found with the Training Manual there still is a learning curve whereas with the Training Course the majority of students who started with the course are out doing deals almost immediately without me taking a lot of time filling in the learning curve for them.

    Those that make the investment in the Training Manual up until November 5th, will have my cell phone and 24/7 email plus access to our password protected web site. The Training Manual will not be replaced by another manual it will be gone and only the Training Course will be available.

    Just the way I do things, and if you look through the forums you will find plenty of students of mine out doing deals.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • ncboater4th October, 2004

    Get the course if you can swing the xtra cash. The course is far more in depth than the manual. You will have a big learning curve with the manual also. The course will hold your hand and get you started as fast as you want. I bought the course a few months ago and I'm up and running.

  • Harley56564th October, 2004

    Thank you!

    Thanks for giving me input about the course. I am very interested in this subject matter. John, thank you for giving me personal reply to the question about the manual.

    I am very strapped for cash currently, and new to this. Do you ever run the course on a special?

    What are the main differences in content between the manual and the full course?

    I appreciate your input!!



  • ncboater4th October, 2004

    The course has training cd's which are great and 4 binders full of info. I listen to the cd's in the car on a regular basis. The course and manual have the contracts, access to his private forums but you will have a big learning curve with the manual. The course is the only way to go . Save up, borrow some money or just buy the manual and add the course later. The best $700 I've spent on a course period.

  • OnTheWater6th October, 2004


    Here's what I did. I read this forum, asked questions and $Cash$ even called me at work to help me -I didn't even buy his course!

    The man is aces with me.

    I ran out the door, after reading this forum, and started asking sellers if they'd consider simply allow me to take over their payments. The second person I spoke with said... "yes."

    The twist on this one was that the property was already paid for, she inherited it and just wanted out. She signed over the deed at my lawyer's office, I paid my lawyer $300.00 and walked out with the deed.

    Transfer tax was $279.00; the filing fee was $11.00.

    So, for a three month investment of $599.00, I'll walk away with 20k.

    I close next week.

    You can run out the door like I did, or you can get the course... Get the course as I'm sure it'll shorten greatly the learning curve; what's more, you'll learn exactly, step-by-step, what you need to do which will save you a great amount of time and $.


    OnTheWater :-D

    PS Here's a very creative version of Subject To.

    I bought an '02 Ranger 520 VX with a Yamaha 225 for 2k. Yep, I got the title (which was clear), and I make payments monthly to a guy who needed to get rid of the ride.

    Sky's the limit.

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