Subdivision For Building Townhouses

I am looking at a single fam house located in 3 fam/6000 sf zoning. The lot is 12600+ sf. I am thinking of building 6 townhouses there.

1) do I have to subdivide the lot to build?

2) would I be able to subdivide the lot as of right?

3) how long does it take (in your experience) to subdivide a lot?

4) are there any underwater rocks in this approach?

Thanks in advance,



  • NC_Yank21st September, 2005

    1. Vision - you got to have a vision......simply getting a GC license and thinking you can make millions will not happen.
    You basically have two types of construction.....Commerical and Residential.

    Each one of those have separate areas as well.

    You have to decide which area you would like to go into with an understanding as to what your present limitations are.
    Going into commercial work with no capital, knowledge or contacts is spinning your wheels.

    There are companies that will hire you because yo have a GC however, they expect you to have the knowledge as one should in being a GC.

    Again, you have to have a vision.

    2. Plan - develop a plan in which you can realistically obtain your goals. You should have short term goals as well as long term. Set bench marks in order to reach them.

    3. Act .....this is the one thing that separates the wannabees from those get out there and do it. It requires footwork and phone calls..........pure and simple.

    4. Contacts - every person you come across in life can add something to your life........sometimes good, sometimes bad. A small note book in your shirt pocket with some business cards in the other can go a long way for a person who is willing to talk and LISTEN to others.

    5. Thick Skin - If you are easily discouraged or offended....then stop now and find something else to do.........that or change your attitude about life.
    This world owes you absolutely NOTHING.
    Unlike the government which tries to sell you abunch of BS about you have all these rights............the only right you have is to fail. The only thing you deserve is what you earn.

    6. Education - educate yourself and put what your learn into practice. I have been in construction since 1978 and I am always seeking to learn from others......irregardless as to what I think of them personally.

    7. Pride - get rid of it. I have seen people waste tens of thousands of dollars and go bankrupt because of this.
    Remember the proverb; Pride cometh before a fall.


  • KyleGatton9th June, 2005

    They do all of the above and more. You will need to figure out what is best for you or what is best for the property that you have your eye on. If you prefer slower and stable money buy and hod is definitely a way to go. If you prefer faster monies then buy or build and flip.
    You should read the articles and see what gets you excited, and then go from there. There isnt really one answer as to what you should do. If you talk to 10 people you will get 10 different responses as to what they feel is best.
    You will need to take an assessment of your particular area, see what the need is and fill it. Or see what opportunities are available and capitalize on them.

    Good Luck,

  • tellysmith927th October, 2005

    question what do you mean by entitle is it similar to a deal already in process and being sold ? similar to a a rehabb that the owner was unable to complete

  • woodsong27th October, 2005

    entitlement in the development field refers to the process of obtaining all required govermental approvals to proceed with the project. Thus, an entitled project is one that has received all permits and you can move right to turning dirt.

    if you are just starting out i would encourage you to work in an area you are familiar with and understand the market and the demands of that market.

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