Sub-2 How To Get HO To Sign Title Over

As mentioned earlier, HO is 3 months past due. The million dollar question from me is, how do i get her to sign over title to me and then i can "take over" the payments, i already have someone interested in the property. Also what is the Trustee issue about? Foreclosure process is going to start around March.
Any input will be greatly appreciated. wink


  • koko23rd February, 2005

    well that sounds so easy, i have already done step 1, and i am going to work on step 2 today, even though the HO says she does not even want anything out of the deal??? hmm questionable aint it? anyway, thank you much. will definitely keep u updated.
    thanks again. which makes me wonder would i need to do a title search?

  • ZinOrganization23rd February, 2005

    are you refering to the lady as a HO. lol
    just kidding i know what you mean.

    anyways yes always check title and ask the home owner what leins are on the house. if stuff shows up that she didnt tell you about then you know they arent truthfull.

    some people actually dont want anything just the piece of mind that they dont have to go through a foreclosure process thats dragged out. but always be skeptical.

    like was said before offer her some cash to leave, but dont pay her until she is OUT of the house. then make up the back payments or sell it or whatever you agreed upon.

    Trustee? im guessing your refering to the commitee or lawyer who is in charge of the foreclosure process if your state is judicial. they will still go ahead as planned and you can either stop it by making up the back payments and bringing the loan out of foreclosure or selling the house before they take it. the time frame depends on your state laws. and weather they form a commitee of sale or not.

    hope this helps

  • ZinOrganization23rd February, 2005

    "after three months behind they are screwed"

    not neccessarily, i have seen people who were a couple years behind and had filed banckruptcy. they owed about 12k and were going through a divorce. it was a great deal for us but one of them ended up bringing it current. so the short answer is no they are not screwed, and every states foreclosure process is different. it can take up to a year in some states for the lender to actually foreclose.

    but yes i do agree with what you said about motivated. and in this case if she called you then thats enough motivation right there.

  • joeyd23rd February, 2005

    do your due dilligence!

  • koko28th February, 2005

    It seems this HO is not cooperating, and is cronically unavailable. No VM on her home phone, etc. I am thinking of letting this go. Equity is about 9k and she is n ot even willing to fill out the paper work that would allow her to sell the property as a short sale.
    Nway thanks guys.. NEXT!!!!! rolleyes

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