Structuring The Deal

If you are dealing with the seller directly, you should always ask what they need from the sale. If they say money (most do) , ask what they are going to use the money for and how much do they need. In your case ,you did not state why the property is preventing a move to be near a sick mother. Since the house is vacant I assume the seller is not living there. Do they need money for a down payment on something near the sick mother or do they just need moving expenses? If the later, you can offer to pay for moving expenses. Finding the sellers needs goes a long way toward structuring a deal that will be accepted. Once I offered a mobile home as down payment because the couple wanted to live in a mobile home park near the wife's sister.

Also, take a good look at the appraisal (if there is one). If your comps are more accurate you may not have much margin if you refi.

Hope this helps and let us know how you are doing.



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