Stop Wasting Time and Buy NOW!

Worried whether this is a good time to buy or not? Confused because the Media claims this is the worst Real Estate recession in U.S. History? Even though most novice investors may want to read that this is not a good time to buy or that the Media is correct and the worst is yet to come, for the simple satisfaction of having a reason not to begin their career as a real estate investor, the real answer is that you should go out and BUY NOW!

The reality is that beginning investors are so afraid of success that they will create every reason not to kick-start their career. You may be nodding your head right now if this applies to you. Don’t worry, you are not alone. I was guilty of this myself. You’ve probably thought that you do not have the money to fund your first project. You may have thought you do not have the knowledge to go out and buy your first property. Then, you may have tormented yourself with the idea you may never be able to sell the property. This is especially true because the media has flooded the Real Estate Sector of the news with reports stating there is a high inventory of properties on the market. The excuses go on and on.

Well, my friend, if this applies to you, I want you to stop reading this right now and hit yourself in back of the head, and wake up. Go ahead I’ll give you a few seconds……..

Ok. Now that you are awake let me tell you the fact of the matter is that anytime is a GREAT time to buy real estate. Some investors say you have to be a “Transaction Engineer”. No matter the market. No matter you financial situation, the time to buy is NOW. This great website is full of resources to fund your projects. Not to mention, the resources you may have that you don’t even realize. If you are on this website chances are you have done some research, read a few books, you may have even attended a seminar or two. Plus, there are a lot of experienced investors on here that will gladly assist you with any questions you may have. So, the knowledge is there. Now, you have probably heard this before but I’m still going to tell you, selling you property is the easiest part of the transaction. How can I say that, you ask? I say it because there are hundreds of people looking for a good deal. Trust me, find the deal and they will come. And, if you are not looking to wholesale, you can list it with an agent. There are tons of places where you can list your property if you choose not to use an agent.

To conclude, get your fear out, stop listening to the media, stop trying to read the next book and just get out there and BUY. Believe me, the buyers are out there. BUY NOW and BUY as much as you can.

Best of Success To You,



  • JeffAdams5th June, 2007

    Buy now? Depending on what market. There are 4 market cycles:

    -Buyers Market Stage 1

    -Buyers Market Stage 2

    -Sellers Market Stage 1

    -Sellers Market Stage 2

    If you are in California which is in a buyers market stage 1. RUN for the hills! So your advice to buy right now depends on the market.

    Best Riches,

    Jeff Adams

    • EddiePicasso3rd July, 2007 Reply

      Yes thank you for bringing that up. I do agree with you. The market plays a great role in investment decisions. But, that does not mean if a property in California with a deep discount comes your way, you are going to walk away from it. Of course, you should require a big enough discount to leverage your risk in a market such as California to get you through the down cycle.

      Furthermore, a recent article in mentions sellers in California are having great success in selling their homes at listing prices or higher by hiring staging companies to aid in the presentation of homes to buyers.

      The intention of the article was to give a wake-up call to investors who are hesitant in beginning their careers. Like Mr. Adams mentioned above, Yes, the market does matter and I agree with him, I should have mentioned the local real estate market needs to be considered and any market you decide to invest in for that matter. Thank you, again, for bringing that up.

      Best of Luck,


    • BethJSmith18th July, 2007 Reply

      And I say (Realtor of 20+ years that I agree with Donald Trump. If you have staying power, buy now. You will never get better deals. You can make more money in a down market than in an up market and if you can "buy right" , you can later "sell right". So that is the magic of the market--can you hold it until things turn around. If so, there could not be a better time. The media will see to that. They are the "killers" right now, but soon, they will be after something else andall will be well (and I might add with unbelievable "pent up demand".

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