Sticking Flyers In Magazines

A friend of mine gave me a great idea. He said back when he used to sell security sytems for homes he went around sticking 5x8 fliers into differnt "Homes for sale", "Cars for sale", etc.. type of magazines you find for free out in front of the corner store. and he said the month he started doing that he sold 5 times more alarms then he had ever sold.
So Im thinking of doing the same but with "I Buy Houses" flyers. The only thing is Im not sure how legal it is, or what the companies publishing these mags would think. What are your thoughts on this tactic?

Thanks in advance,


  • InActive_Account2nd April, 2004

    It is probably a copyright infringement to insert your flyers in their magazines without permission. If you approached them they would probably do it for less than a 0.01 per copy if you furnish the flyers. Ask the worst they can say is no!

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