Steve Cook Or Scott Rister

I've been studying Real Estate for a few months now and I realize there are a ton of books and courses out there on Wholesaling Properties. Has anyone tried these corses out there! Also could anyone recommend one over the other to me? Any help would be greatfull. cool grin null


  • pejames23rd December, 2003

    Hello, There are lots of great courses out there, but I think there is as much info on this site as most of the books. I would recommend reading thruogh this forum and looking at the archived articles and then decide where to go from there. This info is free and I feel much more informative. Just my 2 cents worth. Good luck

  • learning2nd January, 2004

    Hey there investor,
    I have purchased and studied Ron LeGrand's Cash Flow, Steve Cook's Wholesale/Retail and several books on wholesaling one of which is W. Bronchnick(spelling?). I really like Ron LeGrand's brief course and I actually plan to purchase the three courses being sold on this forum.

    He really gives you info(it could be alittle more thorough) to go out and do your first deal. Steve's course is also informative (also could be more precise) and he seems to me to be rehab oriented.

    With the info they both give I will be doing my first deal before the month is out....but I would recommend these two....someone please let me know about S. Rister's course I was interested in purchasing this.

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