Steps in buying a Mobile Home (Ok you Lonnie Deal Makers jump in on this one)

Ok, I have been invited to do some deals in 2 parks and before I go I would love some advice.

Buying a mobile Step 1;

Ok I secure an Old Mobile home for 1000.00 before giving any money to seller He or She brings me a title (like a car right?)
Then still before I give the money this deal is subject to clear title So who do I contact to check to see if the title is clear uh DMV?
After I get a clear title from whoever gives it, then I finalize the deal right?
They sign the title over to me should there also be a Bill of Sale or purchase agreement?

Now I own the MH, if however it is in a Park I then contract with the park owner for lot rent, however this probably will have already been done or at least set up with PM prior to closing on the home right?

Assuming time for checking title took a coule of days I should have already placed signs at the property with permision from sellers as they are not anticipating any problems with the title thus feel the sell is going through.
This should allow possible deals or buyers to generate prior to close so that I might have my buyer lined up.

Ok, titles good, we close, I have uh 3 weeks till lot rent is do...I have signs on property already up, I place my ad in the paper.
I get a buyer......
I sell the home for 6500 at 12.75% industry standard, at lets say 18 months $1000.00 down with a payment of 245.00 a month. Financing then 5500.00

This is Owner financed thus title remains in my name (Correct?) till its paid off.
Ok You Lonnie guys tell me, am I on track here?

Fill in the Gaps, or missing documents or such like smile

Mark B


  • JohnLocke8th February, 2003


    Not a Lonnie person, but here is my take on this.

    Your first step is to talk with the Park Managers to make sure they are cooperative and have no problem with what you are doing. They do have the right to turn down your buyers to rent at their park or tell you to move the mobile. If you do not get this straight with them up front you could have a serious problem.

    Some States like Nevada have a Divsion of Manufactured Housing, they handle the title work and can tell you if their are any liens on the mobile. Some States the Department of Motor Vehicles handle mobile homes so check with your State to see who has authrority over mobile homes.

    Even if your sellers give you the title always check with the proper authority that the title is clear. Most States issue a duplicate title if you lose yours, so to be one the safe side and make sure no one else has a original or duplicate title check with the governing body. Do not give the sellers the money until this is accomplished.

    When you sell to your buyer you would show yourself as the lien holder on the paperwork. So the title would come back to you not your buyers. You would then sign off on the title and give it to your buyers when they pay the unit off.

    Your financing sounds right, this is pretty much the norm.

    Anything else you need?

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • blueclassring10th February, 2003


    You better check if you need a license to resell that mobile home if you intend on doing that. Some states have some pretty stringent requirements. Just let you know.

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