Steal Tenant-buyers From Apartments?

I have heard investment gurus say that we could send letters to apartment residents and may be someone will want to move into a SFH. There are apts next to this SFH with a 3BR renting for $1200 and we are asking for $1295 for a nice 3 BR SFH.

I feel we have a good shot at it...however, where can I get the addresses of these residents?


  • InActive_Account8th February, 2004

    Save your self the postage. Make up a nice flyer and drop them off at the door (use door hanger) or on the door step of each residence. You'll get some calls. Also, don't make a mess and don't put them in the tenants mailboxes.

  • DaveT8th February, 2004

    Actually you should already know the addresses. The address is the building number, and the apartment number.

    I suspect you really want to know the names of the apartment's occupants. Reverse phone directory, perhaps?

  • RunningQ8th February, 2004

    There are different web pages that will run searches for you and give you mailing addresses based upon the streets you give them. Say for example the apartmetns you want to target are on Market Street. You type in Market Street and the program generates every mailing address on Market. You won't get names but you will get street addresses (and apartment numbers or letters...some go by Apartment A, some go by Apartment 1, depending on the complex.)

    Then you print out labels that say...
    Future Home Buyer at
    123A Market Street
    Anytown, USA, 12345

    Good is great way to go. Also, you might want to partner with a mortgage broker to help with the financing. I wouldn't be surprised to find one that would split the cost with you if not cover it all so that they get to take the application and get the laon...

    Good luck,


  • InActive_Account8th February, 2004

    You can go through the complex and write down the addresses. Or go to the library and get the R.L Polk city directory which will give you the tenants name. Post a for sale flyer in the laundry room(s) at the apartment complex. Also place flyers on local grocery store bulletin boards,you can also post in local laundromats.

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