Starting With Cleaning Up Old Addressess?

It seems to me that the 2nd step , 1st being getting your C/R , then is not the removal of all other addressess the first thing to do? Then move on to what?, disputing every negative item?


  • pktd107222nd February, 2004

    It seems that my topic is looked at but not replied to, and I was told maybe creditboard would be a better forum for this topic anyway????

  • Netookt22nd February, 2004

    I have done the following with some good results but still waiting to see the full effects of my efforts.
    1. Request reports from CB's
    2. ask for removal to the CB'sof all old and outdated information.... starting with old addresses that the collection agencies usually reference to verify claims.
    3. ask for removal of all past SOL
    ( statute of limitations)
    4. send out VOD letters to the CA's by certified mail.
    5. After receiving your certified receipts from VOD letters then send out Not mine letters to the CB's regarding the disputed items ( again by certified mail)

    This should get you started

    [ Edited by Netookt on Date 02/22/2004 ]

  • pktd107222nd February, 2004

    Thanks Netookt
    Though I'm curious about Vod is that letters to verify information on negative info, plus are addressess subject Sol too?

  • kellyntx22nd February, 2004

    Okay I feel a little silly here but could you clarify some things for me? Can you please tell me what the abbreviations you are using stand for? I too am trying to clean my credit and need a little help figuring this out. Thanks.


  • pktd107222nd February, 2004


    Sol is statue of limitations

    Ca is creidt agency[ Edited by pktd1072 on Date 02/22/2004 ]

  • wysinwyg23rd February, 2004

    VOD, I believe stands for validation of debt. Both creditboards and creditinfocenter have nice helpful people over there.

    Addresses, I don't think are subject to statute of limitations but I know from both personal experience and from experiences of those at the aforementioned websites, can be deleted.

    If you have bad credit, removing these addresses would probably be your fourth step...

    1. Obtain and review your credit report.

    2. Verify all information is accurate.

    3. If there are alot of negatives, and you do not yet own a home it may be best to first call the 800 number to opt out of credit card offers in the mail. The side benefit of this is to avoid collection agencies from picking up your address from mailing lists if you have or are planning to move. The number can be found at those boards.

    4. Report all gross inaccuracies (i.e. an account that really is not yours or a bad social security number) as well as request removal of all old addresses (everything except for your current and most recent last address) based on irrelevance. You can also say it increases your chances of being a victim of identity theft.

    5. If you did step 3 wait 30 days or until you get the response back from step 4 whichever is greater. Review the Credit Reporting Agencies (CRA's) responses to your letters.. (you sent them certified return receipt requested right)? The addresses should be gone.. If not, call them, people have success with calling them and demanding they be removed. If the rep does not agree. Hang up and call again. They WILL take them off.

    For the removal of the negatives, I would encourage you to see those sites. I could obviously post more here but it is all there and they can answer more specific information. They helped me get rid of a stupid 150.00 medical bill on my wifes report, that was keeping me from the prime rates for years.

    It takes a lot of work and patience but it CAN be done. Good luck to you.

  • wysinwyg23rd February, 2004

    To answer your direct question pktd1072, It is usually never a good idea to dispute all of your negatives at once... If you have 10 do 3 - 5 max. You do not want to appear frivilous. Also, only dispute as NOT MINE to start. Don't say INCORRECT AMOUNT, etc... you do not want to admit it is your account at all..

    This can take you months but it done right will work.

  • pktd107223rd February, 2004

    Thanks everyone,

    I did find creditboard and will now put most question to that forum, but my REI question will no doubt stay with this god-send the TCI forum, again thanks

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