Starting Investing

does building line of credit with banks can help the first time investors like me to invest and if i want to start rehabing properties what advise can some experienced rehabers give me


  • davezora12th May, 2004


    Thats a pretty wide open question. Try reading through all of the posts here. You will read about virtually every topic in one thread or another. You can begin to gain advice through these threads and ask questions when you get to something specific you don't understand or want to get more clarification on. Otherwise, to ask what type of advice can other experienced rehabbers offer you is about the same as asking someone to give advice concerning say, brain surgery or rocket science. Don't mean to be sarcastic. Just humorous. Point is, there is an awful lot to be learned and it would be rather difficult for me to just start offering you advice in this area. We would be here for a very long time. So read, read, read. Then ask questions.


  • Zaxdad18th May, 2004

    Having a good line of credit at a bank can only help you with investing. However knowledge of investing, in particular in rehabbing is what you really need to try to obtain. There are many good books out on this subject and I'd recommend reading as many as you can. You'll pick-up something new in all of them. You'll also need to learn YOUR particular real estate market to see what the needs are. If there's a shortage of first time homes then concentrate on first time homes. This makes moving them easier after doing the rehabs.
    To me knowledge is the key to this business. I currently am in the middle of one rehab on a 2 family and will close on a 3 family on 6-17. I am also in the middle of 4 different books about different aspects of real estate investing.
    Good Luck!! :-D

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