Starting A Real Estate Investors Group

I have spoken to several people in my area that are interested in meeting once a month or so to talk REI. I plan to set up a lunch and invite at least one realtor, one home improvement contractor, a bank loan officer and possible one RE attorney. Has anyone else started up a group like this? I see a lot of benefits in meeting and talking face to face. Our state has a REI organization but they do not have a chapter near me. Thanks for your input.


  • ray_higdon22nd December, 2006

    It is a great way to improve your networking and boost your name, go for it

  • MikeT101322nd December, 2006

    I agree with Ray

  • MikeT101322nd December, 2006

    Try contacting the national real estate investors association, they can help you get it off the ground with ideas and support.

  • joel22nd December, 2006

    List your Group with us in the Groups area of the website. You do have to have a minimum of 3 properties in our database to get started.

    The more the people in your group lists properties through us, the more you are promoted through us.

    Here is more about it:

  • triton6322nd December, 2006

    Thanks for all the great ideas. I had not considered making any money off of the meeting, just contacts. It sounds like a great way to earn a little and still do all the networking. Thanks again!

  • ray_higdon6th August, 2007

    I wrote an article on this subject if you are interested.

  • JohnLocke10th August, 2007

    This book "Churches, Jails, and Gold Mines: Mega-Deals from a Real Estate Maverick" by Steven Good is very interesting reading. This company has done over 9 Billion dollars in Auctions.

    Here is the link to it on Amazon

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • NC12311th August, 2007

    What condition are the properties in? How is the market?

  • cjmazur15th August, 2007

    There is also the question of can you get a dollor denominated mortage?

    Currency swings scare me.

  • AshanD15th August, 2007

    As a side question does anyone invest in foreign real estate? If so is it a huge headache or is it pretty reasonable?

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