Speeding up page display


One think I'd like to see since I'm on a super fast connection is that the pages load faster.

They don't display as info comes across probably because it is all in an outer table. In that case, it all has to be downloaded to the browser first before it can be rendered.

I don't know if this can be overcome while still having a left side section with comments and topics.

I still think this site rocks.

Joel ( the other one - and a web coder too )


  • joel6th February, 2003

    We are always working on speed. We were actually running into some problems with a turbocharging of the PHP.

    Hopefully we will be able to get that resolved pretty quickly.

  • noslenj1237th February, 2003

    Is that turbocharging Zend? I'm really a perl guy, but PHP is very similar.

    Keep up the good work!

  • jchester24th August, 2003

    Hey man... What are you running on the backend? MySQL, Oracle or MSSQL? I LOVE THIS SITE! But, got some REAL pageload issues... As, the other post hinted at, maybe look at nested tables... Reduce the images (??) And, use relative paths!!! (Instead of this https://www.thecreativeinvestor.com/images/forum/subject/default.gif USE ./images/forum/subject/default.gif) that way... you don't force the client to make a trip to the server.... And, on the DB... well, off the top... Is it indexed properly? If so, did the original start from MS Access (<-Seriously?) Somewhere I read there are 20,000 users... But, I've been on for most of the day... And, typically less than 100 any given time...
    [ Edited by jchester on Date 08/24/2003 ]

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